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Early Concept
Robust Vision for Moody Centre TOD
The Moody Centre TOD Area Master Planning Group is committed to delivering a cohesive and collaborative Moody Centre Station TOD Area master plan that aligns with the established vision and considers the growth targets for the region and delivers on the community priorities and amenities identified in the OCP 2017.
While planning for a preliminary concept for Moody Centre Station TOD Area, two existing neighbourhoods stood out as inspiration for a similar vision.
Newport Village
Above: Newport Village, Port Moody
Above: Newport Village, Port Moody
One of the first master planned communities in Port Moody, the much beloved Newport Village is based on the vision of a walkable European community. Now a hub and destination for residents and those living outside Port Moody, Newport Village is a cluster of high-rise residential towers surrounding a village filled with locally owned shops and restaurants designed to promote a walkable, healthy and vibrant community during the day and into the evening.
A complete community
Walkable, urban village with a good mix of residential and commercial
Much loved public places to attract organized events throughout the year
Cobblestone streets and wide sidewalks encourage connection and casual gatherings
The Shipyards / Lower Lonsdale
Stretching from the waterfront north to 3rd Street, Lower Lonsdale is the City of North Vancouver’s transportation hub and growing cultural and entertainment district. Lower Lonsdale has undergone extensive redevelopment over the past 10 years and is a major community draw and one of the fastest growing residential neighbourhoods in the City.
A transit-oriented community that prioritizes keeping homes close to transit
Highly walkable and cycle-friendly with sustainable transportation options to surrounding cities
A complete community built around connecting the residents to the waterfront
Promotes local businesses - including art, craft beer and street festivals
Above: Shipyards, Lower Lonsdale North Vancouver
Above: John Braithwaite Community Centre, Lower Lonsdale North Vancouver
The Moody Centre TOD Master Planning Area is bounded by Buller Street to the east, St. John’s Street to the south, Moody Street to the west, and the Canadian Pacifc Railway line to the north. The area is within close proximity to Rocky Point Park, Brewer’s Row and both Moody Middle School & Moody Elementary.
Above: current buildings in the Moody Centre TOD Area
Port Moody Then (1988) and Now (2013): Side by Side
The current vision for Moody Centre has been the product of over a decade of community consultation. During the development of the OCP many members of the community participated in the City's consultation process to share their thoughts and priorities for the future of Moody Centre. Below provides a snapshot of this input and how it has informed our own masterplan priorities.
What has informed our Vision
6 Key Principles for Moody Centre
Encourage all modes of mobility
Create well loved public places
Support health and wellbeing
Support Diversity and Inclusivity
Create meaningful urban form & mixed use
Promote Art and Culture
Your Voices
Source: City of Port Moody, Public Consultation Summary 2017
Following the Council adoption of the Moody Centre TOD Area Plan in November 2017, and at the encouragement of staff and members of Council, the majority landowners in the designated TOD Area established the Moody Centre TOD Master Planning Group to work on a masterplan for this future neighbourhood.
Following 18 months of working with design experts at Perkins & Will and City Staff; the Master Planning Group believed the preliminary masterplan was ready to receive early input from the community.
Six Discussion Groups were held in September to solicit early input. The below summaries represents the feedback we received.
Community Open House #1 - #2 (October 30 and November 1, 2019)
Following great interest from the public, the Moody Centre Station TOD Area Master Planning Group conducted two Open Houses providing identical information, to receive early input from members of the Public.
To see the display boards from this Open House, please click here.
Following the Open Houses in October and November of 2019, the Planning Group hosted three invitational, themed discussion roundtables to further explore recurrent themes during community discussions. These themes are: Urban Architecture and Design, Public Realm and Art, and Transportation and Circulation. Attendees were invited based on their response to a question asked during the first round of Community Open Houses.
Community Open House #3 - #4 (January 28 and February 1, 2020)
Taking feedback into account from the first round of Open Houses in late 2019, the Planning Group conducted a follow up series of Open Houses to reflect these identified priorities.
To see the display boards from this Open House, please click here.
February/April 2020 Community Stakeholder Presentations
To conclude the Preliminary Pre-Application Public Engagement Program, the Master Planning Group reached out to three additional organizations who were identified as key stakeholder groups in the community & whose specific feedback was deemed critical prior to a formal OCP Amendment Application. These organizations included: The Port Moody Environmental Stewards (environmental interest), The Port Moody Friendship Society (accessibility interest), and the Simon Fraser University Student Society Board (student/ U35 interest). A presentation and roundtable discussion were had with each group to gather focused input on the preliminary master plan concept.
The Moody Centre TOD Master Planning Group hosted a series of walking tours in Moody Centre to share a real-time experience of how the proposal intends to revitalize and activate the area. Tours had a limited capacity to abide by COVID-19 restrictions. Between August and November 2020, ten tours were given, with a total of 39 attendees.
Community Open House #5 and #6 (July 6 and 8, 2021)
After presenting the plan to the Community Planning Advisory Committee and City Council in late 2020 and early 2021, the Planning Group refined their proposal in response to the feedback received and submitted a supplemental submission for the City’s review. To introduce the community to the revised submission, the Planning Group is hosting their third round of Open Houses to share the updates to the plan. To see the display boards from this Open House, please click the link below.
The diagram below provides an overview of the engagement activities undertaken since September 2019 and helped refine our master plan submission to the City. If you would like to receive updates on the master planning process, please join our Moody Centre TOD Area Master Planning Group mailing list by clicking here.
Following submission, the application will be subject to municipal review.